Title: King Manasseh
Memorize: Now when he was in affliction, he implored the Lord his God, and humbled himself greatly before the God of his fathers. 2 Chronicles 33:12-13 (Nkjv)
Bible Reading: 2 Chronicles 33:12-13 (Nkjv)
[12] Now when he was in affliction, he implored the Lord his God, and humbled himself greatly before the God of his fathers,
[13] and prayed to Him; and He received his entreaty, heard his supplication, and brought him back to Jerusalem into his kingdom. Then Manasseh knew that the Lord was God.
King Manasseh ruled Judah for 55 years. He was one of the most wicked and idolatrous of all the kings of Judah, who later repented.
As seen in the Bible reading of today, despite the many evils committed by King Manasseh during his reign, including sacrificing his own children to false gods, he still had a repentant spirit.
This was made possible because he had a godly grandfather, King Hezekiah, who had a strong faith in God. It was this godly influence that eventually led Manasseh to repent of his sins.
My dear child, no matter how far you may have strayed from God, it is never too late to repent and turn back to Him.
What is the gravity of your wrongs? I am sure it cannot be compared to the sins of King Manasseh, and God still forgave him.
What then are you waiting for? The prodigal son realized his errors, returned home, and ran into the waiting arms of his father.
God’s mercy is always available to those who genuinely cry to Him. He is patiently waiting for you; run to Him today.
Key Point:
Tomorrow might be too late; repent of all your sins today and be saved.
According to the Bible who was the man after God’s heart?
1 I am Thine, O Lord, I have heard Thy voice,
And it told Thy love to me;
But I long to rise in the arms of faith,
And be closer drawn to Thee.
Draw me nearer, nearer, nearer, blessed Lord,
To the cross where Thou hast died;
Draw me nearer, nearer, nearer, blessed Lord,
To Thy precious, bleeding side.
2 Consecrate me now to Thy service, Lord,
By the pow’r of grace divine;
Let my soul look up with a steadfast hope,
And my will be lost in Thine.
3 Oh, the pure delight of a single hour
That before Thy throne I spend,
When I kneel in prayer, and with Thee, my God,
I commune as friend with friend!
4 There are depths of love that I cannot know
Till I cross the narrow sea;
There are heights of joy that I may not reach
Till I rest in peace with Thee
Bible In One Year: Deuteronomy 2:1-3:29 Luke 6:12-38