Open Heaven For Teens Thursday, August 10, 2023

Title: Take Care of Your Body

Memorize: Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers. 3 John 1:2 (NKJV)

Bible Reading : 1 Corinthians 6:20 (NKJV)

[20] For you were bought at a price; therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God’s.


I know that you are very active as a teenager; you have so much energy to expend on activities.

Therefore, it is important to take care of your body because if you don’t, you might fall sick often. The following are ways to live healthy physically:

1. Exercise regularly: You should be physically active for at least 1 hour every day.

2. Eat a healthy diet: Healthy eating is an important part of your growth and development. It should include the intake of plenty of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, a variety of protein foods, and low-fat dairy products. You can do your research online to prepare a realistic food roster.

3. Sleep well: Get enough sleep of about 8 hours every night as this will have a strong effect on your ability to concentrate and do well at school.

4 . Bathe & Brush regularly: Take your bath at least twice daily to avoid body odor. Also, brush your teeth often to prevent mouth odor.

5. Maintain a clean environment: Clean your room and house regularly.

Action Point

List 3 new things you would start doing to improve your physical health henceforth and do them.


  1. Holy, Holy, Holy!
    Lord God Almighty!
    Early in the morning
    Our song shall rise to thee:
    Holy, holy, holy,
    Merciful and Mighty!
    God in Three Persons,
    Blessed, Trinity!
  2. Holy, Holy, Holy!
    All the saints adore Thee,
    Casting down their golden crowns
    Around the glassy sea:
    Cherubim and seraphim
    Falling down before Thee,
    Which wert and art,
    And evermore shalt be.
  3. Holy, Holy, Holy!
    Though the darkness hide Thee,
    Though the eyes of sinful man
    Thy glory may not see
    Only thou art holy:
    There is none beside Thee,
    Perfect in power, in love, and purity.
  4. Holy, Holy, Holy!
    Lord God Almighty!
    All thy works shall praise
    Thy name, in earth and sky, and sea;
    Holy, Holy, Holy,
    Merciful and Mighty!
    God in Three Persons,
    Blessed, Trinity!

Bible in One Year: JEREMIAH 22-24